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iOS 4.3.1 完美越狱工具红雪redsn0w 0.9.6 rc9 正式发布

时间:2011/4/4 17:13:28来源:cnbeta作者:佚名我要评论(0)

大家期待已久的 iOS 4.3.1完美越狱工具红雪redsn0w 0.9.6 rc9 已经发布!

Three years ago (almost to the day!), the first version of PwnageTool was released for firmware 1.1.4.  So today we’re excited to release another edition of both PwnageTool and redsn0w to bring an untethered jailbreak for Apple’s latest firmware, FW 4.3.1.

WARNING WARNING — ultrasn0w users don’t update yet!  See a few paragraphs down!

The 4.3.1 untether exploit comes courtesy of Stefan Esser (@i0n1c on twitter), a security researcher based in Germany.  Stefan has a long history of vulnerability research, and ironically his first contribution to the iPhone jailbreak community was improved security — last year he beat Apple to the punch and implemented ASLR for jailbroken iPhones with his “antid0te” framework. We’re happy to see that Stefan then turned his iPhone attention over to an untethered jailbreak exploit!

The 4.3.1 untether works on all devices that actually support 4.3.1 except for the iPad2:

    iPhone4 (GSM)
    iPod touch 3G
    iPod touch 4G
    AppleTV 2G (PwnageTool only for now)

The reason the untether won’t work as-is on the iPad2 is that it requires a bootrom or iBoot-level exploit to install, and the iPad2 is not susceptible to either the limera1n or SHAtter bootrom exploits.

WARNING WARNING — ultrasn0w users don’t update yet!  We need to first release an update to ultrasn0w that fixes some incompatibilities when FW 4.3.1 is used on the older basebands supported by ultrasn0w.  And remember once we do fix ultrasn0w for 4.3.1 (we’ll announce it here and on twitter), you must only get there via a custom IPSW from PwnageTool, Sn0wbreeze or xpwn!  Don’t ever try to restore or update to a stock IPSW, or you’ll lose the unlock!

For everyone else, redsn0w is the easier program to use (and redsn0w runs on both Mac and Windows).  Please check out places like iClarified for some excellent guides on how to use both PwnageTool and redsn0w.

Feel free to ask for help in our comments section.  Thanks once again to our fantastic moderators for volunteering their time and knowledge and keeping order: Confucious, sherif_hashim, dhlizard, Frank55, and subarurider!

Official Bittorent Releases

PwnageTool_4.3.dmg -> PwnageTool_4.3.dmg.6293151.TPB.torrent

SHA1 Sum =9e8ce7d4eb79b5f839efa0233893ef1a6a5e3c5c

—> redsn0w links in a couple of minutes!

Unofficial Mirrors

The following links are unofficial download mirrors, you download these archives at your own risk, we accept no responsibility if your computer explodes or if it becomes part of a NASA attacking botnet or even worse if your hands fall off mid-way during the use of these files. We do not check these links and we accept no responsibility with regard to the validity of the files, the other content that these links may provide or with the content that is on the third-party linked site.

Always check the files that you have downloaded against our published SHA1 hash.

We would prefer that you downloaded the official bittorrent release that is linked above, but you are welcome to try these if you really must.

Mirror owners should email mirrors to - please ensure that they are direct dmg download links only  (no rapidshare type sites please) and that your web-server can serve DMG MIME types properly. — please don’t place mirrors in the comments as they will be deleted.

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